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Student Citizenship and Leadership

We encourage students to play an active role in the life of the school, their local community and beyond by finding their voices and actively participating in decision-making.

Through meaningful community service, students strive to develop a global view of society, and increase their sense of social responsibility by finding ways of helping others. In return students develop a sense of gratitude for what they have as they take action to make a difference in the lives of others.

Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)

Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) are key components of the Middle and High School IB Programmes and extend learning beyond the classroom. These activities offer students an opportunity to support the school’s mission to develop global citizenship.

School Leadership

Leadership skills are woven into all aspects of student life from Kindergarten to Grade 12. CSM students have many opportunities to assume leadership roles and being actively involved in student affairs. Students learn responsibility, decision-making, cooperation and self-awareness through the various leadership roles available throughout all grades.

The Student Council in each division provides an opportunity for leadership for those interested in collaborating with both their peers and the school faculty to create a dynamic, engaging and inclusive school community.

House System

CSM has a House system. It provides an excellent opportunity for students of all ages and grades to be together and encourages the development of leadership and cooperative skills while providing a structure for school spirit and fun competition.

House competitions are held throughout the year, and students can win points for their Houses through a variety of activities. At the end of each year, a House Shield is awarded to the House with the highest point total.


The Houses are:
