Welcome to Primary School
Primary School Curriculum
CSM has a unique curriculum approach which continues to evolve as an enriching program, taking from the best and most-relevant aspects of several sources: the Ontario Ministry of Education Elementary curriculum, the Italian Ministry Elementary Program, and the International Curriculum designed for a global educational context.
From Kindergarten to Grade 5, children are taught following the curriculum from Ministry of education of Ontario, Canada, with some elements from the Italian Curriculum. Our inquiry-based approach to learning encourages students to adopt the attributes of character education through the fundamentals of:
- Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Oral Communication)
- Mathematics
- Coding (computer programming)
- Social Studies (History and Geography)
- Science & Technology
- French
- Italian 1 (Idoneità Prep) or Italian 2 for beginners
- Arts (Music, Art, Drama)
- Health & Life Skills
- Physical Education (includes Ice Skating (K-G5) and swimming lessons (N-PreK)
Inquiry based learning is a combination of the following elements:
- Exploring, wondering and questioning
- Making predictions and acting purposefully to see what happens
- Experimenting and playing with possibilities
- Making connections between previous learning and current learning
- Collecting data and reporting findings
- Solving problems in a variety of ways