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Welcome to Senior School


At CSM we recognise the unique developmental characteristics of early adolescence, which is marked by significant physical, intellectual, emotional and moral growth and change. These years mark a fundamental transition where students advance in independence and individuality. In recognition of this, our Middle School seeks to facilitate learning experiences that are authentic, holistic, relevant, engaging and build a healthy sense of self. International-mindedness is woven through the fabric of the programme’s framework and is expressed through the IB learner profile.

IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) Framework

Our curriculum is based on the MYP framework which provides flexibility for teachers to develop teaching programmes that are responsive to needs of students who are making sense of a rapidly changing world and to make authentic connections between their learning and local, regional and international contexts.

The Middle School comprises twelve core subjects: English, Individuals and Societies, Science, Mathematics, Italian, French or Spanish, Physical Education, Design, Music, Visual Art, and Drama. Additional CSM subject elements include PSED (Personal, Social Education), Coding and Robotics. Each subject is taught by a specialist teacher which allows students to be exposed to a greater expertise and a range of teaching styles. 


CSM’s High School consists of the final two phases of the International Baccalaureate Programme:  

  1. Grade 9 and 10: the last two years of the Middle Years Programme (MYP); followed by
  2. Grade 11 and 12: the IB Diploma Programme (DP).

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) was established in 1968 to provide an internationally recognised qualification for students studying outside their home country. Present in almost 5,000 schools and 140 countries, the IB DP has a world-wide reputation for excellence in preparing students for university study. 

In these last four years of school at CSM, our students embrace new challenges as they explore a rich and relevant curriculum. They are prompted to think critically and creatively, developing the skills needed to find solutions to real-world problems and elaborately expressing their opinions.

At CSM one can sense the feeling of the many benefits of being part of a small school community, whether it is students engaging in House challenges and fundraising for the less fortunate, older students mentoring younger ones, or teachers guiding students one-on-one through their Personal Projects and Extended Essays. 

We invite you to come visit us to witness learning at its highest level. 

World-class education

At CSM, our mission is to inspire students to become inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are engaged citizens of the world. Our approach to learning is guided under the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme which is also experiential and contextualized to the real world.

Learning contextualized to the real world

Curiosity about the world, creative and critical thinking to tackle issues, in correlation to their communities, are fostered with real-life application.  Still, our ambitions go beyond the academic: by providing exposure to the arts, athletics, extracurricular opportunities and learning experiences to help every student develop a strong sense of identity.